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Weekly Updates 12/19: Holiday Study Tips, Student Review, New Classes and January Group Registration

Writer's picture: Dana J Fryer, MS, RDN, LDNDana J Fryer, MS, RDN, LDN

Updated: Dec 21, 2021

The holidays can be one of the hardest times of the year to study. There is almost always going to be something more fun to do than studying and with family visiting, traveling and parties to attend study time (and motivation) can quickly disappear. Remember wen it comes to studying in the holidays it is all about QUALITY vs. QUANITY and here are my holiday study tips:

  1. Tell your family that you need to study. If you do not set boundaries no one is going to know you need this time. Sharing with your family your stud plans will also help to keep you accountable.

  2. Bring my recorded courses with you. Did you know that Teachable (the service that hosts my videos) have an I phone app? Purchase a video lesson and download the app for tutoring on the go (even offline). Search the app store for Teachable.

  3. Stay accountable! My favorite ways to do this is to challenge my students to answer all of the questions on the Facebook page, post a few questions, come to the Wednesday night classes and the Sunday lives. You can also join the Two Week Challenge (runs now through 12/31). It is $25 to join and include a15% off coupon code for recorded classes and $5 off lives classes. Each week there are 4 challenges posted to the Facebook page and you complete the challenges to earn points. At the end of the 2 weeks the 3 students with the highest points will win 3 free courses! Click here to join! (Challenge 1 is already on the page!)

  4. Set a schedule for yourself: Especially if you are off work you you might have more time to study. Pick a specific time and activity to do each day. Need a few ideas? -Review the my study checklist (click to download this freebie!) -Watch the free RD prep Class -Watch a review course -Come to a Wednesday 8pest Class -Take a 50Q practice exam -Explain Krebs to Grandma Most important is that you don't fall behind in your studying during Christmas and New Years. Feel like you need more support? Check out my 1:1 and group tutoring options on my website. January Group RD Prep Course starts 1/1 and is a great holiday gift! Also don't forget we have a Resume workshop happening tomorrow with an amazing guest speaker! (Never too early to get your resume ready!) More about those offerings below!

Upcoming Classes

$15 Resume Workshop with Demsina RD 12/20 8:30pest: "Demsina Babazadeh, MPH, RDN, CNSC is a Registered Dietitian and founder of Avotrition practice group. She is also the Director of Nutrition and Metabolic Research at Brigham and Women’s hospital in Boston. Demsina has years of experience hiring new and seasoned Dietitians, RD2be students, and diet technicians. As a RDN, Demsina has worked in clinical inpatient, short-term rehab, education, and research, and is passionate about showcasing all the areas RDNs can work in! During this 1 hour class we will be covering resume pit falls to avoid, resume myths. how to structure your resume for for different jobs, a love resume review and time for a Q and A with Demsina!

$20 Pediatric Nutrition Review 12/29 8pest: "In this 1 hour review we will be covering the nutrition topics surrounding the different life stages of childhood. We will also be reviewing the usage of growth charts. Course includes slides and a 50% of coupon for the recorded class."

$40 MNT Review 1/5 8-10pest: During this 2 hour review class we will be reviewing the key points of the MNT section of Domain 2. Course will also include my 31 page MNT student guide.

Early sign up is recommended. There is a $5 late fee for registration after 6pEST on the day of the course. Extra bonus of the review classes is that they come with 50% off coupon for the recorded course version (please note practice question classes are only live). Email me at to register! Space is limited to 20 students for each class, unless otherwise noted. Can't make it to a live class? Check out my extensive recorded course options!

Group Tutoring

One of the biggest struggles students face with this exam is the lack of deadlines and assignments as they have in school. It is not uncommon for students with great grades in school to when you study for the dietitian exam, there is no preceptor or professor who is checking in on you or requesting assignments from you. Students are often studying on their own and also miss the classroom environment.

For these students I have made my monthly tutoring group. This 4 week courses provides students with the structure and accountability they need to stay on track with their studying. Classes start the first Sunday of the month and each week we meet as a class for 2 hours (6-8pEST). Each class is focused on 1 domain and is a mix of lecture, practice questions and discussion. Each group is limited to 10 students to allow for students to easily be able to be engaged in class and also to help for a community! Packages start at $200. Click the button below to learn more and apply.

Student Review: " I loved going over each domain together in a concise way with your slides and infographics. This was a great way for me to finally get my butt into gear. I hadn't started studying for the exam yet and Dana's 1 month group class going over all the domains was a great way to start." - Jacqueline (November Group)

Click here to apply! Course started 1/1!

Student Reviews

Big congrats to all of my RD's this week! I'm always so appreciative when my past students share their reviews to help future students see if my program is right for them!

Antoinette, Score of 28 (Monthly Group + 1:1 Student): "Dana is such an amazing tutor! I participated in her group classes as well as one on one sessions. She does such a great job at normalizing the exam material so that the information actually sticks. Dana was able to help give me that extra boost in my weak areas, so by the time the exam came around I was more than ready. I truly could not have done this without her and I highly recommend working with Dana to anyone struggling with the RD exam material!"

Daileen, Score 26 (Self Paced Course + Recorded Classes): Dana's self paced course helped give me a general review of what I needed to know for the exam. It helped me target which areas I needed the most help with.! If you struggle with math, her math hw are very helpful to help increase those skills for the test. Dana was a great support as well. She often checked in with me even if I was no longer paying for her self passed courses, and was also readily available to answer any questions, as well as calm any testing anxiety. I'm glad to announce that I passed my test!"

Interested in working together? Click below to visit my website or reply to this email to schedule a free 15 minute discovery call to find the program best for you!

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