Unfortunately, having to study for the RD exam does not put the rest of our lives on hold. Whether it be COVID, a sick kid, a wedding or pet adoption, happy events or sad events, there are so many things that can take us away from studying! As much as we try to clear our schedules and remove distractions these things can unexpectedly occur and impact our study plans. So how do we plan for the unexpected....? First you need to give yourself the space to deal with what has occurred. Do not feel that you need to study when your mind is completely distracted. In the end it is going to be more beneficial for you to focus on yourself than being distracted with your studying. This might mean taking an afternoon or a week, it really depends on your situation.
Next step is to regroup. You need to get yourself reorganized and this might be changing up your study schedule or adding on support with classes or a study assessment. Depending on how much time was taken away from your studying to focus on yourself, you would also be realistic with yourself if you need to push your exam back. Remember it is better to push it a week or 2 than have to repay $200 and wait 45 days.
This is an important topic that I talk about with my students a lot because we need to be realistic with studying and part of that means acknowledging things that are impacting your ability to focus and your confidence to take the exam. We will be touching on this topic more during this week's RD Prep Class if you want to join!
Keep up the studying and don't forget to scroll down for all the updates! Interested in 1:1 tutoring or the monthly group? Visit https://www.danajfnutrition.com/tutoring for a full list of services and fees. New 1:1 student slots open 2/7.February group has 1 spot left. Email me ASAP if you want it! Full details here!
Signature Self Paced Course Launches 2/1!
This course is my most comprehensive review course program! Prepare for the exam with 48 different lessons (25 hours of videos), practice questions, homework assignments and resources. This course is ideal for the student who is a visual learner and wants to focus on comprehension of the exam materials to allow for them to build their confidence and have a strong working knowledge of the exam material. The course is completely self paced which allows you to complete the course on your own schedule. In addition to a video on each topic (see agenda), each module will also include a homework/activity to complete to help test your knowledge. This course will include all of my currently available recorded courses (plus brand new topic reviews!) in additional my new topic review course, including mini lessons and study tip videos. See below for a sneak peak of the course's modules! Course will be available for purchase 2/1/22! Course starts at $500 for 6 weeks of unlimited access. Full announcement newsletter coming Tuesday!
Upcoming Small Group Classes
$25 Equations Part 1 2/1 8-9:30pest: "We will be covering 17 equations by looking at usage of these equations and a practice problem for each equation. You will receive the classes materials and an equations study guide. Equations Included: Inventory Turnover Rate, Daily Food Cost Percentage, Food Cost per Month, Monthly Food Cost Percentage, Food Cost per Meal, % Yield, Shrinkage, Edible Portion Cost, Time Series Forecast, Depreciation, Order Point, Par Stock, Seat Turnover Rate, Breakeven Point, Prime Cost Method, Factor Pricing, Cost Plus Pricing.
$25 Equations Part 2 2/2 8-9:30pest: We will be covering 14 equations found throughout the exam (not covered in Part 1) by looking at usage of these equations and a practice problem for each equation. You will receive the classes materials and an equations study guide. Equations Included: Liquidity ratio, Profit, FIFO/LIFO inventory, FTE, Employee turnover rate, BMI, Nitrogen balance, Solvency ratio, Scoop sizes, Calories for a fever, Popularity index, Cost benefit, Glucose infusion rate, Carb exchanges.
Early sign up is recommended as classes are limited to 15 students. There is a $5 late fee for registration after 6pEST on the day of the course. Extra bonus of the review classes is that they come with 50% off coupon for the recorded course version (please note practice question classes are only live). Email me at danajfryernutrition@gmail.com to register! Space is limited to 15 students for each class, unless otherwise noted. Can't make it to a live class? Check out my extensive recorded course options!