Everyday I get messages from RD2Be's looking for guidance on studying for the RD exam. They usually sound something like this:
“Hi Dana, I just finish taking my exam and I got a a score of __ and a sub score of __ on Domain 1 and 2 and _ on Domain 3 and 4. What does this mean and what should I do to study going forward?”
I will be 100% honest…the sub scores are super unhelpful! They do not tell me anything useful because they don't tell you which domain you did worse or which topics were your trouble areas!
When I get these emails I email back these questions:
-What areas do you feel are most difficult for you?
-What areas do you feel are your strongest?
-What study materials do you have and what has worked well for you?
-What does your schedule look like for studying currently?
-What have your past exam scores been and when did you take it last?
The answers to these questions and also your past scores/trends are much more helpful to me make you recommendations than your sub score.
The next question is also not a simple answer because everyone's next steps look different, but this is why I made my free Self Study Assessment for you. This course is a great took to help you regroup and do a more critical assessment of what you need to do next. Want a tutor's take? Reach out to put a 45 minute study assessment.
One of the most important things to after an exam attempt is to keep your head up and KEEP going! You will pass this exam and your exam score or number of times you take the RD exam do not mean anything about the quality of dietitian you will be!
