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FAQ: How to Request RD Exam Accommodations

Writer's picture: Dana J Fryer, MS, RDN, LDNDana J Fryer, MS, RDN, LDN

Has a barrier to passing the exam been your a learning/cognitive disorder, psychological/psychiatric disorders, physical disability or chronic health condition or ADHD? Did you know that you can request testing accommodations (includes: breaks, extra time and/or a private testing room) from CDR? If you are eligible for any of these accommodations I highly recommend requesting them as they have been a game changer for many of my students!

How to Request Accommodations:

  1. Pick the reason for the need for accommodations that best applies to your situation and review guidelines for documentation needed (I recommend printing this to give to whoever is providing the supporting documentation):

2. Create an account on Pearson view and request Accommodations on Pearson Vue Website. This process will prompt you to print a form that your provider will need to fill out.

3. Receive supporting documentation from your therapist/doctor/PCP. This must be a letter written following the guidelines for documentation as detailed in point #1. This will typically require a visit with your provider.

4. Submit supporting documents to Pearson Vue.

5. Once approved call Pearson Vue to schedule your exam with accommodations

Important Things to Note:

  1. Each request for test accommodations is considered on a case-by-case basis.

  2. In situations where an individual has two or more disorders, such as a psychiatric disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), the diagnostic report should clearly describe the unique impact of each disorder, and documentation guidelines should be addressed for each disorder.

  3. Requests can take up to 10 days to process

  4. Accommodations cannot be added to a previously scheduled exam. If approved for accommodations, you will be provided instructions on how to schedule your accommodated exam.

Student Preceptive:

"This was a huge learning experience or me after I heard the word "accommodations", I met w/ my general practitioner and made sure I took forms with me. To have one of the for the diagnosis, he referred me to a therapist. We worked together for almost 3 or 4 months I feel like. It was not easy so I suggest working on it as soon as possible. Have sheet printed that you need to give to doctor (when you create your account with Pearson Vue) and then submit back in. Accommodations can be up to an extra hour, and I found it helpful for me to slow down during the exam!" -KC


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